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3rd Grade Overview

Wit & Wisdom® is our Grade(s) 3-6 English Language Arts curriculum. It builds knowledge of key topics in history, science, and literature through the study of excellent texts. By reading and responding to stories and nonfiction texts, we will build knowledge of the following topics:

In Module 1, students will study why people explore the sea. Poets and writers explore the sea through words and images. Scientists use technology to discover new species. Students will explore literature, informational text, and art as we ask the question: Why do people explore the sea? In Module 2, students will study how people have learned about space through history. By reading books and examining art, students explore our fascination with the cosmos, asking the question: How do people learn about space? In Module 3, students will explore the immigrant experience through the lens of stories. Students will ask: How do stories help us understand immigrants’ experiences? Finally, in Module 4, students will explore the creative impulse as they read biographies of artists in the fields of dance, literature, the visual arts, and music. In addition to reading about the artists, students encounter the work of each of these artists. We will ask: What is an artist? To learn more about each module, please check out Wit & Wisdom Tips for Families and/or access the complete unit plans hyperlinked above.