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Emergency Closing

Emergency Closing


If the schools of this district must be closed due to inclement weather or other unexpected circumstances, school families and district employees will be notified by telephone via the new Global Connect system.  Please note that when the district schools are closed due to severe snow and/or ice conditions, there will be no transportation services for our local students enrolled in out-of-district placements. 

Public notification will be available via television, radio, and Internet.  If in doubt about whether or not school will be in session, please refer to one of the following broadcast outlets:

Global Connect: As part of our district-wide Global Connect system, students and staff will be notified via telephone.

School Website: Simply check the homepage of the district website, Closing information will be prominently displayed on the homepage.

Television: CBS 3, ABC  6, NBC  10, Fox 29 

Radio: KYW News Radio 1060 AM.  School Code for both schools is 820

Emergency closing information will also be accessible on the phone system of each school building.  Simply dial after 6:00 AM on inclement weather days—if schools must be closed or will experience a delayed opening, the initial greeting will include a recorded message about the circumstances.

In the event of other emergencies not related to weather that might require the schools to close or be evacuated during the school day, all district staff will follow the steps outlined in the Board-approved Crisis Management Plan to ensure the safety and well-being of all children in the schools.  The Crisis Management Plan may be reviewed at the Office of the Superintendent at Harrison Township Elementary School, 120 N. Main Street, Mullica Hill, NJ during regular school hours.

It is very important that every family discuss and practice a plan for their child(ren) in the event of an unexpected school closing when the parents might be delayed in arriving home, i.e., having the child report directly to the home of a trusted neighbor, etc.

 To provide more specific information about school closing
during inclement weather, the following letter has
been distributed to all school families:

Dear Parents / Guardians:

The winter season is upon us, and with it comes the possibility of inclement weather affecting school opening.  We understand that our decision to open or close schools in bad weather has a big impact on families.  We also understand that our students are better served by being in school.  However, our top priority is the safety of our students. 

How do we make school closing decisions?

The decision to open or close the schools in bad weather is based on a careful analysis of all the relevant factors, including:

  • Road conditions throughout the Township
  • Amount of snow and ice
  • Whether precipitation is expected to continue
  • Building conditions
  • Parking lot and sidewalk conditions at the schools
  • Temperatures and wind chill factors
  • School closing decisions by other surrounding districts

Who makes the decision?

  • The Superintendent of Schools is responsible for the final decision, based on the above factors and input from the transportation and facilities departments, and collaboration with surrounding school Superintendents. 

When is the decision made?

  • The decision is typically made between 5:00 - 5:30 AM. 

How is the public notified?

  • You will be notified by a direct phone call from the Superintendent, using the Global Connect calling system. 
  • The school district website ( is the next best source of information on school closing and delayed openings; once a decision is made, the information is posted almost immediately on the website.  The notice is also posted on the local TV stations. 

What are the procedures during a delayed opening?

  • In the event of a delayed opening when the school schedule is delayed one hour and thirty minutes, all AM bus routes are delayed by that amount of time. 

  What about early closings?

  • Every effort is made to keep the students in school for their full day once they arrive.  If conditions are severe and warrant an early closing, the information will be on the district website and posted on TV stations.  In addition, parents/guardians will be notified by a direct phone call through Global Connect.  Be sure the district has your current contact telephone numbers.  Every family should discuss a plan with their children in regard to what they should do in the event they arrive home before the parent/guardian. 
  • In conclusion, please remember that the decision to close school or delay openings due to inclement weather is based on the best information available at the time that the decision is made; however, we can never be sure how the weather will affect a particular area.  If you do not feel that it is safe for your child to attend school, use your best judgment.  During inclement weather, school buses have the best safety record; therefore, we encourage parents not to drive their children to and from school on snowy days, but to use our school transportation.